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Watch Damages: Season 2 Movie Online

Posted by hgoise on October 11, 2010

Watch Damages: Season 2 Movie Online. Watch Damages: Season 2 Movie Online.

Movie Title: Damages: Season 2
Average customer review:

Damages: Season 2 is available for streaming or downloading.

Click Here to Stream or Download Damages: Season 2

Season 1 was taught and ugly magic. Season 2 tries to mix in a major recent storyline while level-headed carrying forward the lethal fallout from last season’s Arthur Frobisher case. Although teasing and confusing the viewer are allotment of the stylistic tone of this production, things got a dinky muddy with too many characters in mid-season. Peaceful, the Season Finale was so knowing, it more than paid off its mid-season markers. Meanhile, the acting of the major characters – Rose Byrne deserves more credit, IMHO – continues to shine.

Glen End and William Damage do their best in this mess of a second season. Whenever they are onscreen, they manage to compose this overly plotted mess work. However, let anyone else onstage and I can barely figure out what is going on or care. The young woman attorney who works for Terminate is a gargantuan allotment of the quandary. Her character is playing all sides against the middle. I can barely hold track of who she is plotting and conspiring with to undo Conclude from episode to episode. Afflict is kind of the awful guy here. I say kind of because his motivations are not all unpleasant. Rather, he is hiding some mountainous secrets. I had no dilemma following the arc of his narrative line. I also had no spot following the arc of Patty’s (Finish) fable line as she tries to glean her suit against Hurt’s conventional corporate employer yet also has to deal with her son’s rebellion (seeing an older woman and refusing to go to college) and her husband’s infidelity. Even Arthur Frobisher’s (Ted Danson) reappearance is easy to follow, even comic, as he turns his zeal to other interests. It is the whole anecdote line between Patty (Discontinuance) and the young woman attorney which had me completely perplexed. It was also very annoying to have this jump befriend and forth in time constantly. Seeing this on tv was one thing. Buying it on DVD? No plot. I really enjoyed season one and did not have any problems with it. If you haven’t seen it, that is the DVD to procure.
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