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Watch The Awful Truth – The Complete DVD Set Online

Posted by hgoise on May 13, 2011

Watch The Awful Truth - The Complete DVD Set Online. Watch The Awful Truth – The Complete DVD Set Online.

Movie Title: The Awful Truth – The Complete DVD Set
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Michael Moore is a very fresh individual,film-maker,and writer. Not because of what he believes in, as I am clear there are millions out there who allotment these beliefs(his chart topping books and films attest to that),it is rather because of his more than a decade long unrelenting dedication to rep his message through to as many viewers and readers as he possibly can,with a rare sense purpose,irony,and poignant sarcasm.

He is concerned about many issues that he finds are despicable with American society, from guns, ghastly politicians, greedy corporations and groundless or distorted myths about minorities be it African Americans or gays.

Buy,Download, Or Stream The Awful Truth – The Complete DVD Set! Click Here

The Poor Truth is his successful TV series, produced for UK’s channel 4, and in which not only he addresses yet again the issues he feels so strongly about,but most importantly and this is famous, he CONFRONTS them as well in any intention he feels possible,of course all dressed up nicely in his unwavering humour.

I notice Michael Moore as a sort of fresh day Robin Hood, for although he does not win from the rich to give to the awful,he rather exposes, embarasses the priviledged few and explain it to the ordinary man and woman.For example the episode where he tries to serve the illegal Mexicans who were about to be deported because the hotel they worked for informed the INS on them after they formed a union (and not before!) and succeeding in not only keeping the illegals in the country after petitions, but getting his gain attend at the hotel for violation of health and building codes, this was a triumph for the underdog against the double standards and exploitation they faced.

Or the episode where he stages a spurious funeral for a dying man who needs a life saving transplant his insurance company refuses to pay for, while exposing the grand profits that company made. When the comapny finally agrees to conceal the operation and the patient in the audience greets Moore with tears in his eyes, this too is a mountainous triumph.

In this sense I watch him as a current Robin Hood.

Buy,Download, Or Stream The Awful Truth – The Complete DVD Set! Click Here

Awful is the last word to relate this astounding series..It will originate you laugh your head off, while opening your eyes and thinking..hard..

First, I honest want to say that I tend to be politically conservative, but I usually delight in Michael Moore’s work for what it is – entertainment engineered with a political slant. It’s nothing more and nothing less than that.

That said, these reviews should be for Michael Moore’s note “The Poor Truth”. I have watched almost all of these episodes for the show’s two year rush. The first year’s shows were shot before a live audience and you can hear the audience laughing at Moore’s clips. The second year of shows were filmed in Times Square with no audience. The episodes for the first year were more comical, with the majority of the clips focused on corporate issues and crooks. Highlights include a group of people who had lost their speak boxes to cancer from smoking singing Christmas carols to tabacco companies and their lobbyists, Moore’s travel to many Manpower temporary offices to witness how the employees would react to his visit (since Moore got his hands on an internal memo from Manpower instructing employees how to deal with Moore if he showed up to their offices) and the adventures of Crackers the Crime Fighting Chicken at Disney World. There were many appetizing moments in the first season of shows.

The second season, maybe because there is no audience, seems mighty, worthy darker than the first. Not a lot of laughs in the second year. As an example, a epic is done about a healthcare facility that had been fined for terrible care of the elderly. One of Moore’s reporters gets a group of elderly folks together and takes them to a martial arts instructor for lessons. The newly trained elderly martial arts masters are then taken to the offices of said healthcare provider to exhibit them what they can inquire if they ever try to mistreat older people in the future. And we are treated to a demonstrate of 75+ year old-fashioned people trying to do punches and leg kicks. It was actually so ridiculous that it was painful to glimpse. There’s many more misses than hits in year two, which probably explains why there was no year three.

I would recommend the first year of shows for anybody who enjoys a slight over-the-top political and corporate humor. The second year is a itsy-bitsy harder to recommend. It impartial isn’t that laughable, in general.

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