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Watch Prom Night Movie Online

Posted by hgoise on May 26, 2011

Watch Prom Night Movie Online. Watch Prom Night Movie Online.

Movie Title: Prom Night
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Prom Night is available for streaming or downloading.

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For a few years, it was hard to derive a decent DVD copy of this film. The Anchor Bay version had been long out of print and could only be obtained from private sellers at a ridiculous ticket. I never saw the 1998 Anchor Bay version but heard it was a nice release. The 2004 edition from Alliance Atlantis (or Echo Bridge Home Entertainment) where the cloak art displays a knife blade with Jaime Lee Curtis’ face reflected was a dispicable release in every draw. It was like watching a traditional VHS copy with abominable record and sound quality and that is not why DVD’s evolved. The companies releasing these films should have to pass some sort of inspection for DVD transfers. At last, Echo Bridge released a original version of Prom Night in 2007 with fancier hide art (Jaime Lee Curtis standing in the school hallway with her prom dress and tiara on holding a bouquet of flowers with a bloody ax in them) . I was very impressed with the disaster that went into this as it was well done. Big report quality (the scenes that were too shadowy to study what was going on before are now visible) . Also included was a nice chapter menu and more chapter stops (the previous release only had 5 chapter stops and a dreadful looking menu) . If you are a fan of eighties slashers, this version needs to be in your collection beside Scare Jabber and Halloween. A nice promenade scene with Eddie Benton in this film is also worth savoring. What to recommend is the Australian thriller Road Games featuring Jaime Lee Curtis that many people may have missed. For the genre, I give Prom Night 4 stars. I really liked this one. There was something about the Canadian apprehension films that made them stand out (Unlit Christmas and Ecstatic Birthday to Me were some others) . Another Canadian alarm gem I’m quiet waiting patiently for is Curtains which has unfortunately not seen the light of day on DVD yet.

I’m a behind bloomer on this one. I never saw it until tonight – don’t know how that happened. I care for the horror/slasher movies from the behind 70’s mid-80’s. This killed me! Halloween meets Carrie meets Saturday Night Fever. An escaped luntic, the police swagger, disco-disco (friendly music BTW) and a prom with two conniving students all add up to a lot of fun. Not enormous, not overly scary, but a dependable hoot!
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